Thursday, February 7, 2013


What do u do when the things that normally bring clarity - don't?

Mon we were driving to Sandusky and my wipers were frozen so they weren't making the windshield any more clear. The thing that normally brings clarity wasn't working.

We were going to Sandusky for a retreat. Normally those type things help bring relaxation and clarity. I say normally because this time it didn't seem to "work".

I realized it wasn't the event or the lack of interruption or the quality family time that brought clarity. It is the connection to God that brings peace and clarity.

My point: the events create time to take a break from the normal day to day busy routine and that break allows me to reconnect to The Vine.

It's not a place, a thing or song that brings clarity - It's God. Those things may help u get in a place to hear from God but we can't make it about the things when it is clearly about The One.

How do u stay attached???

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