I am learning a lot these days. I have had to have some conversations that could have gone very wrong and ended up hurting some people I care about.
As I thought about what I wanted to say and how that would come across, I began getting frustrated because I didn't want to hurt anyone. Then the clarifying question was asked: "how would I want someone to talk to me about this".
That question helped me go into the conversations with the right heart. One thing I keep in the front of my mind is that even if I am mad, frustrated or hurt by someone, God loves them just as much as He loves me. When you have a conversation with a loving & pure heart, where your motives are to confront out of care, it is amazing what God will do.
I believe God was honored with the heart and outcome of the conversations. The conversations could've gone really bad and drove people & families far away from God. Instead because of prayer and humility, God softened the hearts of all involved and I truly feel like I am closer to them now because of the heart and attitude involved in the conversations.
My point: We all have a way we choose to communicate, but that isn't necessarily the best way. When we look at people the way God looks at them, it is possible to see the pain or hurt behind the other persons words or actions. We need to care enough about what God cares about (people) to talk to others the way we would want to be talked to - with understanding and love.
I don't always do this, but I will always try from now on. Especially now that I see it can actually strengthen relationships.
1 comment:
So you're apologizing to me for making me feel bad after my last comment? Thank you. I accept. I love you.
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