Hannah has decided to name her 2 pet goldfish "Up" & "Down". I thought that was pretty brilliant. I love when she so innocently does funny things. When asked to name her fish, she simply said "Up & Down" like they were such obvious choices for her free carnival fish.
I was opposed to getting these "free" fish because they are not really free. You gotta buy the tank, decorative rocks, the plastic plants for their entertainment and the food for the disgusting little things. So now the free fish cost us a little money but I think that is a very small price to pay for the memory. Eventually they will be dead and I will flush Up & Down - down the toilet, but for now, I get a little giggle every time I see them.
My point: take time to reflect on things. Life is happening so fast that it would be easy to rush right by some humorous moments. I love spending time with my family and even if I never look at another picture, I have my memories...
I am not sure if it is Up or Down is in the photo...
LoL, great post man! Reminds me of when I was about five years old and I had four goldfish in a tank named Peter, Ray, Egon, and Winston :)
These fish...are these OHIO goldfish? Kill them now...worse than piranhhas or those killer baby seals. They can live out of water for days...as for your memories? Those will be filled with nightmares,guts and blood. Just a warning...and one way IF you are going to keep them? Moon them once a day---it keeps them humble.
thanks "the truth" - people thought it was weird that I mooned the goldfish...
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